Léo Rodriguez - Atmosfera

Léo Rodriguez's video for the song "Atmosfera" shows us a pretty ordinary house party with dancing, booze and young guys. In general, the plot doeТекст песни:

PT3M35S True 2011-10-27 120 90
Léo Rodriguez – Лéо Родригуез leo rodrigues
2 фаната
Views: 147
Léo Rodriguez's video for the song "Atmosfera" shows us a pretty ordinary house party with dancing, booze and young guys. In general, the plot does not promise anything new, but the music will please!

Release date: Июнь 2011

Album: Atmosfera

Автор Слов: Giuliano, Silvio Rodrigues
Composer: Giuliano, Silvio Rodrigues, Performer: Léo Rodriguez
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