Алекс Малиновский - Отпусти мою ты душу

The popular clip Alex Malinovsky - "Let My Soul You Release" breathes in the fall. The performer is driving along a deserted road on which his car breТекст песни:

PT3M33S True 2014-03-31 120 90
Views: 2 058
The popular clip Alex Malinovsky - "Let My Soul You Release" breathes in the fall. The performer is driving along a deserted road on which his car breaks down. He goes to the forest in search of help, and stumbles upon a girl who lives far from the noise of the city. The girl is happy to meet a stranger. She feeds him with dinner and warms him with warm tea. The young man is unable to resist the forest sorceress. The tea contains a sleeping potion and now the young man is already in the nets of the insidious sorceress.

Release date: Февраль 2014

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