OneRepublic - Au Revoir

Текст песни: Today I'm not myself And you, you're someone else And all these wounds don't fake And all the stars can quit What a peculiar state we're in [x2] Let's play a game Where all of the lives we meet can change Let's play a game Where nothing that we can see, the same We'll find all the pieces to the puzzles Slipping out under the locks I can show you how many moves to check mate right now We can take a part this life we're building And pack it up inside a box All that really matters is we're doing it right now Right now [x2]

PT4M50S True 2021-05-13 120 90
OneRepublic – <p>American pop rockers OneRepublic is an example of how to build a career with web 2.0. While the group struggled to build a relationship with the Columbia major without much success, their popularity on MySpace grew, and in the end OneRepublic turned out to be the most listened group among those who were not under contract. The situation was corrected by Timbaland, who signed the promising guys to his own label Mosley Music Group. Timba had never dealt with rockers before, but such a case was simply stupid to miss.</p> – ОнеРепублик one republic one republik
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Today I'm not myself
And you, you're someone else
And all these wounds don't fake
And all the stars can quit

What a peculiar state we're in [x2]

Let's play a game
Where all of the lives we meet can change
Let's play a game
Where nothing that we can see, the same

We'll find all the pieces to the puzzles
Slipping out under the locks
I can show you how many moves to check mate right now
We can take a part this life we're building
And pack it up inside a box
All that really matters is we're doing it right now
Right now [x2]

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