Марта Кот - Игра двоих

Marta Kot's new video “Game of Two” is gaining popularity. In the video, the performer is sitting at the wheel of a racing car, on which she drives through Текст песни:

PT3M46S True 2014-03-26 120 90
Марта Кот –
1 фанат
Views: 1 394
Marta Kot's new video “Game of Two” is gaining popularity. In the video, the performer is sitting at the wheel of a racing car, on which she drives through underground garages. She easily repeats all turns. In the passenger seat is a young man who is held captive by a cute bow. During the next turn, the young man opens the door and flies out of the car. The car crashes into a concrete fence. These shots are replaced by shots in the psychotherapist's office, in which the performer talks about everything that was shown in the clip earlier.

Release date: Февраль 2014

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