Music videos Pop music Martin Rolinski Hanging On The Phone

Martin Rolinski - Hanging On The Phone

Martin Rolinski's popular video "Hanging On The Phone" inspires many. Martin Rolinski is the lead singer, former frontman of the Swedish group BWOТекст песни:

PT4M0S True 2014-02-27 120 90
Views: 675
Martin Rolinski's popular video "Hanging On The Phone" inspires many. Martin Rolinski is the lead singer, former frontman of the Swedish group BWO (Bodies Without Organs). Martin began his music career in 2002 when he attempted to audition for the music reality show Popstars. However, after that he had a chance to work with Anders Hansson, who introduced the young singer to Alexander Bard. Soon Martin becomes the soloist of Alexander's new project BWO. Martin studied Automation and Mechanics at the University of Gothenburg.


Album: Hanging On The Phone

Автор Слов: Martin Rolinski, Fredrik Samsson, Stefan Ekstedt
Performer: Richard Frantzén [Video Director], Richard Frantzén [Video Producer], Composer: Martin Rolinski, Fredrik Samsson, Stefan Ekstedt, Author: Martin Rolinski, Fredrik Samsson, Stefan Ekstedt
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