Настя Кудри, Александр Головин - Внимание

The video for the song "Attention" by an aspiring young singer Nastya Kudri tells a story about a guy who does not notice for a long time that his neiТекст песни:

PT3M1S True 2014-02-07 120 90
Настя Кудри –
2 фаната
Views: 17
The video for the song "Attention" by an aspiring young singer Nastya Kudri tells a story about a guy who does not notice for a long time that his neighbor is not indifferent to him. But after a while, on a fine spring day, he suddenly realizes that this girl is the only one he has been waiting for. In the video, the actor Alexander Golovin, known to the audience from the TV series "Cadets", starred and sang, who played one of the main roles in the recently released comedy "There are only girls in sports".

Release date: Январь 2014

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