Martin Harich - Nezvestna

Martin Harich's popular music video “Nezvestna” was released in 2011. The video begins with a young man sitting on a swing and then walking down the street Текст песни:

PT3M25S True 2011-10-16 120 90
Views: 2 177
Martin Harich's popular music video “Nezvestna” was released in 2011. The video begins with a young man sitting on a swing and then walking down the street of his hometown. He sees everything around him. A funny hedgehog is hiding in the grass near a high-rise building, to which the performer pays no attention. The walls on the streets of the city are painted with multi-colored graffiti. The footage of the walk is replaced by footage of the recording of the musician's performance at the recording studio. A simple clip is great for pop music.

Release date: Июнь 2011

Album: Nezvestna

Автор Слов: Marian Kachut, Peter Graus
Performer: Jozef Kohary [Video Director], Julius Simlovic [Cinematographer], Composer: Peter Graus, Marian Kachut, Author: Tomas Zubak
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