Mylene Farmer - Rêver

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PT6M7S True 2017-06-05 120 90
Mylene Farmer – This red-haired woman is a real sorceress: she can turn into a naive child, or into a mysterious vamp lady, or into a stylish lady of high society, or even simply into an unearthly creature, into an angel, into a goddess. The unique, inimitable Mylene Farmer is a true Frenchwoman, whose taste has remained impeccable over the years of her successful career. Initially, Mylene was spoken of as another production project - composer, director and pianist Laurent Boutonnat noticed a young girl with a memorable high-pitched voice, and was actively pursuing a singing career. Mylene chose the pseudonym Farmer in honor of her beloved actress Frances Farmer, and the craving for cinema was reflected in her career - in addition to memorable songs, Butonna relied on visuals: each Milen clip became a kind of mini-film, a little story - and the video for the song “Pourvu Qu 'elles Soient Douce' has grown to a nearly half-hour short with clear erotic overtones. And such a combination - passion, sensuality, femininity on the verge of mysticism - the image of Farmer as an unearthly woman, a foreign creature of the highest order, made the singer beloved outside her native France, despite the fact that Mylène continued to sing in unchanged French. – Милена Фармер
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