Fomka - Мобилка

In the terrifying, insidious, red-haired Joker - the main character of the video - many recognized Mitya Fomin. Waving a metal crowbar, which the common peoplТекст песни:

PT3M56S True 2016-11-08 120 90
Views: 4 183
In the terrifying, insidious, red-haired Joker - the main character of the video - many recognized Mitya Fomin.
Waving a metal crowbar, which the common people call "crowbar", the character in the video tore down locks, opened doors and behaved defiantly.
The new music video "Mobile" is a series of acrobatic, dance and simply ridiculous stories that call at least to just smile and as much as to laugh.

Release date: Октябрь 2016

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