Даша Русакова - Чужой

Dasha Rusakova's new video - "Alien" was released in 2014. Young singer and actress - Dasha Rusakova was born on August 14, 1991, in the city of YТекст песни:

PT3M24S True 2014-02-05 120 90
Views: 5 446
Dasha Rusakova's new video - "Alien" was released in 2014. Young singer and actress - Dasha Rusakova was born on August 14, 1991, in the city of Yaroslavl. From the first grade, the parents sent the girl to practice ballroom dancing and rhythmic gymnastics. Later, Dasha studied at the acting school in her hometown and entered a music school, participated in performances with the local VIA. But she didn't want to do a little bit of everything: she liked to go headlong into what she loved. Studying became this business. At the age of 16, Dasha moved to Moscow, to try her hand at entering MESI, which she graduated with honors in 2012.

Release date: Январь 2014

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