SAHARA feat. Geo DaSilva - Bellezza 2010

Dances of stunning girls in the video of the popular Romanian artist Geo Da Silva & Sahara for the track "Bellezza". There is no plot in the videoТекст песни:

PT3M44S True 2011-11-24 120 90
Dances of stunning girls in the video of the popular Romanian artist Geo Da Silva & Sahara for the track "Bellezza". There is no plot in the video, but there is something to see. For example, the singer Sahara and the female dancers. They really knock you off your feet with just one look: they look amazing.

Release date: Ноябрь 2010

Автор Слов: Ionita Costi, Автор слов GeoDaSilva
Автор музыки: Ionita Costi ; Автор слов: GeoDaSilva
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