ЭF5 - Я устал

Popular clip EF5 - "I'm tired" will attract fans of pop music. By 2005, a dense lineup of the group was finally formed, most of which to this day Текст песни:

PT3M20S True 2011-11-17 120 90
Views: 3 773
Popular clip EF5 - "I'm tired" will attract fans of pop music. By 2005, a dense lineup of the group was finally formed, most of which to this day represent EF5. And it was during this period that a name for the group was proposed. The history of the name is simple: during my training in acting on one of the pairs, my classmates, on the back of my desk, were very heatedly discussing something. Turning around, I heard about the following scraps of phrases: "F5 - the peak point of the tornado ...". A frantic energy was hidden behind a combination of letters and numbers, which was easy to perceive and write. I thought it would be good, and I was right. The title was adopted unanimously on the first reading.

Release date: Июль 2011

Автор Слов: Андрей Юферев
Автор музыки и слов: Андрей Юферев
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