Анита Цой - Звонки

Anita Tsoi shot a video clip for the song "Calls". The shooting took place in Amsterdam among living tulips, narrow cobbled streets and a bright blue Текст песни:

PT4M48S True 2014-05-23 120 90
Анита Цой – Anita Tsoi (at birth Anna Sergeevna Kim, and also nee Kim on February 7, 1971, Moscow) is a famous Russian singer, TV presenter and philanthropist of Korean origin. She was born on February 7, 1971 in Moscow. Officially, his creative activity under the pseudonym "Anita" begins in 1997. – Anita Coy
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Anita Tsoi shot a video clip for the song "Calls". The shooting took place in Amsterdam among living tulips, narrow cobbled streets and a bright blue sky! According to the singer, the idea for the video came to her in a dream.
This mini-film was directed by Sergei Tkachenko.

Release date: Май 2014

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