Юлия Плаксина - Never Ever

The popular clip of Yulia Plaksina - "Never Ever" is filled with bright colors, groovy music and a crazy mood. The video tells the story of party-goerТекст песни:

PT3M43S True 2014-04-14 120 90
The popular clip of Yulia Plaksina - "Never Ever" is filled with bright colors, groovy music and a crazy mood. The video tells the story of party-goers who find their halves in the face of nerds and convert them to their faith. They have a disco in the middle of an abandoned warehouse. Neon lights flicker everywhere and the impromptu dance floor is filled with dance mood. Absolutely everyone dances, in different genres and styles, but certainly fun. The incendiary video will appeal to fans of the nightclub life.

Release date: Апрель 2014

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