Music videos Russian pop Марсель Пропавшие без вести

Марсель - Пропавшие без вести

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PT3M50S True 2011-11-17 120 90
Марсель – <p>The St. Petersburg group Marcel was founded in 2005, since then vocalist Stepan Ledkov, saxophonist Mitya Blinov and keyboard player Yevgeny Babenko have been creating music that attracts from the first chords. Each note of this music carries emotion - surprise, interest, excitement, despair, and they are all intertwined in the melody of complex, but familiar feelings to everyone. The lyrics are written based on real experiences, the themes are taken from life, so it seems that every song is about you ... You survived it, and Marseille sang.</p><p> Live instrumental music - a mixture of reggae, hip-hop and funk, &quot;flavored&quot; with DJ samples, plus MARSEL&#39;s strong vocals have received the highest marks more than once.</p> – Marsel
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Views: 32

Автор Слов: Румянцев Сергей, Ледков Степан, Автор слов Ледков Степан
Автор музыки: Румянцев Сергей, Ледков Степан ; Автор слов: Ледков Степан
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