Звери - Прогулки

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True 2015-09-27 120 90
Звери – "Beasts" is a rare project for Russian pop music, in which the production efforts were adjusted to the leader: usually it is quite the opposite. But in the case of Roma the Beast, the music resonated so precisely with the expectations of the masses that the producer had only to create favorable conditions for Roma's creativity - and the teenagers brought the “Beasts” money for albums and performances. The group was conceived by Alexander Voitinsky and Valery Polienko, who had some relation to the creation of Tatu. At the first stage, it was planned to create something like a male analogue of this girlish duo. Project participants were recruited through advertisements on the Internet. However, when the Taganrog compatriot Polienko Roma Bilyk appeared on the production horizon in 2001, this concept was forgotten: it became clear that the group needed to be created around this provincial with a not very presentable appearance. – Zveri
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