Christian Burns, Paul Van Dyk - We Are Tonight

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True 2013-12-23 120 90
Christian Burns –
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Paul Van Dyk – GDR-born Paul Van Dyck became a key figure in the German trance scene in the first half of the nineties. Back then, soft, melodic club electronics became perhaps the largest German cultural export after Kraftwerk. Paul became famous not only for his own tracks (among which at the time the most notable hits were "My World" and "For An Angel"), but also thanks to remixes. Among his clients were not only colleagues like Humate, but also British rock stars. The MFS label, where Paul published his compositions, was owned by British expat Mark Reeder, who introduced Van Dyck to New Order and Inspiral Carpets. Paul played records in clubs, one of the first international stars drove to Moscow, in general, behaved like a shy guy. – Паул Ван Дык
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Views: 2 303
Release date: Август 2013

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