Nek is an Italian singer, songwriter and musician in rock and pop style. Real name - Filippo Naviani, was born in the city of Sassuolo on January 6, 1972.
At the age of eight, Filippo takes up the guitar for the first time. Today he is one of the most famous and famous Italian musicians of his time. Nek, in addition, along with such masters of the Italian stage as Eros Ramazzotti and Laura Pausini, is one of the most famous and best-selling Italian artists abroad.
In 1985, Nek participated in the duo "Winchester", and in the early 90s - in the group "White Lady".
During this period, Nek was inspired by the work of the group "Polis" and Sting, which prompted him to start a solo career. In 1992 his first solo album, entitled "Nek", was released.
In 1993, he made his debut at the Sanremo festival with the difficult and controversial abortion song "In You" and took 3rd place. After long creative searches and failures, his song about a girl named Laura immediately becomes a hit, which confidently takes first places in the Italian charts, and then in the world. It is this song that acquaints the Russian listener with the work of Nek.
Then his other hit comes out - "You are already big", with which he goes on a tour of Europe. During this time he has already managed to sell more than one and a half million discs of his 4th album "She, Friends and Everything Else". Then he will tour Latin America and release the disc in Spanish.
In 1998, the album "In due" was released, on which you can find such hits as "If I didn't have you" - "Se io non avessi te" and "If there is a recipe" - "Se una regola c'è".
In 2000 he released his first collection of hits in 10 years of his career - "L'anno zero - The best of". Apart from old hits, this collection also contains two new releases: "At least this time" - "Almeno stavolta" and "Year zero" - "L'anno zero".
In 2005 Neka's new album "Una parte di me" - "Part of me" was released, on which, among other songs, there is such a hit as "Lascia che io sia" - "Let me be". "Lascia che io sia" was the most popular song on Italian radio at the time.
The album, released in 2006, was called by almost all critics more adult than previous ones. The songs of this album are written on social themes: the very title of the album and the song of the same name are dedicated to the problem of prostitution in Italy, tk. lately Italy has been swept by a wave of prostitutes from Eastern Europe.
Several songs from this album became hits: "Notte di febbraio" - "February Nights", "Instabile" - "Changeable", "Ancora un giorno di te" - "Another day of yours", "Serenità" - "Wisdom".
For the song "Nella stanza 26" Nek received the Lunezia award - "Poetry in Rock 2007".
The singer has released several more albums, in particular the 2009 disc "Un'altra direzione", recorded in Italian. Nek's last album was released in 2010 under the title "E DA QUI". The singer is successfully touring and, we hope, is preparing to release a new disc.