Music videos Pop music Celine Dion Parler à mon père

Celine Dion - Parler à mon père

Текст песни:

PT3M0S True 2012-07-24 120 90
Celine Dion – <p>Little Celine recorded her first song at the age of 12, and already at the age of 13, the famous producer Rene Angelil took her under his wing. Rene would have known where this creative union would lead him! But initially, the bet on the young star was made surprisingly correctly and accurately: Dion was positioned as an all-rounder, capable of singing everything from jazz to rock. Not surprisingly, it gained popularity with songs by Luc Plamondon, author of the superseded rock opera &quot;Starmania&quot;. The part of Stella Spotlight in this opera seemed to have been written especially for Dion. It was in Plamondon&#39;s songs, which made up the golden fund of the world musical, that Dion&#39;s vocal talent was revealed in the most multifaceted way.</p> – Селин Дион
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Views: 225
Release date: Июль 2012

Album: Parler à mon père

Автор Слов: Jacques Veneruso
Performer: Céline Dion, Composer: Jacques Veneruso, Lyricist: Jacques Veneruso, Producer: Jacques Veneruso, Patrick Hampartzoumian
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