Garbage - Thirteen

Текст песни: Won't you let me Walk you home from school Won't you let me Meet you at the pool Maybe Friday I can Get tickets for the dance And I'll take you Won't you tell your dad, "Get off my back" Tell him what we said about "Paint It black" Rock 'n Roll is here to stay Come inside where it's okay And I'll shake you. Won't you tell me what you're thinking of. And would you be an outlaw for my love If it's so, then, let me know If it's "no," well, I can go. I won't make you.

PT3M31S True 2021-05-14 120 90
Garbage – <p>It all started in 1983 when Steve Marker and Brian &quot;Butch&quot; Vig opened their own recording studio in Madison. In addition to the rather successful activity in the chosen field, the guys, together with Duke Erickson, made their own music. However, it was only in 1994 that they created their own project called &quot;Garbage&quot;, after they accidentally saw a clip of a Scottish band featuring Shirley Manson. It was she who became the soloist of the new team.</p><p> After a year of work and experiments with sound, the guys release a solo album of the same name and immediately achieve success, thanks to the gorgeous vocals of their soloist and the features of recording and sound processing</p> – Гарбаге
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Won't you let me
Walk you home from school
Won't you let me
Meet you at the pool
Maybe Friday I can
Get tickets for the dance
And I'll take you

Won't you tell your dad,
"Get off my back"
Tell him what we said about
"Paint It black"
Rock 'n Roll is here to stay
Come inside where it's okay
And I'll shake you.

Won't you tell me what you're thinking of.
And would you be an outlaw for my love
If it's so, then, let me know
If it's "no," well, I can go.
I won't make you.

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