Сергей Лазарев - Весна

In his new video "Spring" Sergey Lazarev finds out whether a social abyss can prevent lovers from being together? The main characters are teenagers inТекст песни:

PT3M28S True 2015-03-16 120 90
Views: 18 447
In his new video "Spring" Sergey Lazarev finds out whether a social abyss can prevent lovers from being together? The main characters are teenagers in love, played by Vera Zhuravleva and Alexander Gresev.
According to the plot, a guy and a girl meet at one of the parties in a modest apartment, where they immediately flare up mutual feelings.
But later it turns out that the girl is from a wealthy family, and the guy is very poor ...

Release date: Март 2015

Автор Слов: Лазарев Сергей
Лазарев Сергей
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