Paulien Mathues - Loving You

The popular Paulien Mathues video “Loving You” immediately finds its listeners. There is another performer, the namesake of the young singer - Kiki Dee. Kiki DeТекст песни:

PT4M17S True 2014-03-07 120 90
Views: 977
The popular Paulien Mathues video “Loving You” immediately finds its listeners. There is another performer, the namesake of the young singer - Kiki Dee. Kiki Dee - at birth Pauline Matthews - was born on March 6th, 1947 in Little Horton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. She began singing with a local band in Bradford in the early 1960s. In the United States, Kiki became the first white British artist to be signed to Motown, releasing her first single on Motown in 1970.


Album: Loving You

Автор Слов: Jasper Steverlinck, Author Jasper Steverlinck
Composer: Jasper Steverlinck, Author: Jasper Steverlinck
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