Teema Feat. Idriss - Tigi Tigi

The famous video Teema Feat. Idriss - "Tigi Tigi" was released in 2009. The performer performs in a red dress on a white background. These shots are rТекст песни:

PT3M7S True 2011-10-27 120 90
Views: 2 033
The famous video Teema Feat. Idriss - "Tigi Tigi" was released in 2009. The performer performs in a red dress on a white background. These shots are replaced by footage of street video, which the singer herself leads, exploring the city. She changes outfits, changes buildings and shapes, but she always has her voice and three loyal fans who adorn her music with their stylish dances. A rather extraordinary clip still attracts attention with the performer's talent, her unusual voice and manner of singing.

Release date: Октябрь 2009

Album: Tigi Tigi

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