Weezer - Beverly Hills (Беверли-Хиллз)

Текст песни: Where I come from isn't all that great, My automobile is a piece of crap, My fashion sense is a little whack And my friends are just as screwy as me. I didn't go to boarding schools, Preppy girls never looked at me, Why should they? I ain't nobody, Got nothing in my pocket Beverly Hills That's where I want to be, Livin' in Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills Rolling like a celebrity, Livin' in Beverly Hills Look at all those movie stars, They're all so beautiful and clean, When the housemaids scrub the floors They get the spaces in between, I wanna live a life like that, I wanna be just like a king, Take my picture by the pool 'cause I'm the next big thing The truth is I don't stand a chance, It's something that you're born into And I just don't belong, No I don't, I'm just a no-class beat down fool And I will always be that way, I might as well enjoy my life And watch the stars play

PT4M6S True 2011-10-27 120 90
Views: 1 340
Release date: Июнь 2005

Album: Beverly Hills

Автор Слов: Rivers Cuomo
Performer: Randy Nikell [Director of Photography], Marco Siega [Video Director], Coleen Hayes [Video Producer], Nicole Ehrlich [Video Producer], Chad Bamford [Audio Producer], Rick Rubin [Audio Producer], Weezer [Audio Producer], Composer: Rivers Cuomo
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Where I come from isn't all that great,
My automobile is a piece of crap,
My fashion sense is a little whack
And my friends are just as screwy as me.
I didn't go to boarding schools,
Preppy girls never looked at me,
Why should they?
I ain't nobody,
Got nothing in my pocket

Beverly Hills
That's where I want to be,
Livin' in Beverly Hills,
Beverly Hills
Rolling like a celebrity,
Livin' in Beverly Hills

Look at all those movie stars,
They're all so beautiful and clean,
When the housemaids scrub the floors
They get the spaces in between,
I wanna live a life like that,
I wanna be just like a king,
Take my picture by the pool
'cause I'm the next big thing

The truth is I don't stand a chance,
It's something that you're born into
And I just don't belong,
No I don't,
I'm just a no-class beat down fool
And I will always be that way,
I might as well enjoy my life
And watch the stars play

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