João Bosco e Vinícius - 2 Anos

Live performance of João Bosco e Vinícius with the song "2 Anos", before which you will hear the dialogue of the performers. This is a very romantic cТекст песни:

PT3M20S True 2011-10-18 120 90
João Bosco e Vinícius –
2 фаната
Views: 191
Live performance of João Bosco e Vinícius with the song "2 Anos", before which you will hear the dialogue of the performers. This is a very romantic country-pop group that has gathered thousands of people for their concert. It is especially touching that the dance parterre is made in the shape of a heart. The guys sing very sincerely, and the whole audience sings along with them.

Release date: Январь 2012

Album: 2 Anos

Автор Слов: Humberto
Composer: Humberto, Performer: João Bosco e Vinícius
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