Féfé - VPC

The popular Féfé video - "VPC" was released in 2011. In the video, the performer sings in the laundry room, where he comes as usual with his dirty lauТекст песни:

PT3M57S True 2011-10-16 120 90
Views: 3 659
The popular Féfé video - "VPC" was released in 2011. In the video, the performer sings in the laundry room, where he comes as usual with his dirty laundry. But this time everything is not as usual, he meets a girl who also comes to wash. She inspires the performer, and he begins to sing. Then the musician goes shopping in the supermarket and continues to sing again. On another shot, it becomes clear that the whole life that the musician lives is just a play of children with puppets and what will happen next is up to them.

Release date: Март 2011

Album: VPC

Автор Слов: Féfé
Performer: Karim Ouaret [Video Director], Composer: Féfé
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