Sivesta Family - Зачем

The black-and-white video for the song "Why" at one time tore all the charts and soared to the first places of all the charts, it was heard from all aТекст песни:

PT3M36S True 2011-11-24 120 90
Views: 11
The black-and-white video for the song "Why" at one time tore all the charts and soared to the first places of all the charts, it was heard from all apartments and telephones. Thanks to this song, Sivesta Family became recognizable and famous. The video itself is a series of subplots that are intimately connected with each other.


Автор Слов: музыки О.Засульская, А.Кудрявцев, слов О.Засульская, В.Косинский, В.Ефремов
Авторы музыки: О.Засульская, А.Кудрявцев ; Авторы слов: О.Засульская, В.Косинский, В.Ефремов
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