Lauren Christy - Steep

The famous music video Lauren Christy - "Steep" was released in 1993. Lauren was born in London. From early childhood, she wanted to become a ballerinТекст песни:

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Lauren Christy – Лаурен Чристы
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The famous music video Lauren Christy - "Steep" was released in 1993. Lauren was born in London. From early childhood, she wanted to become a ballerina. From the ages of 11 to 17, she attended Bush Davies Ballet School before realizing that she wanted to become a songwriter. She played with several bands, her first band she called "Pink Ash", which consisted of six guys and Lauren herself. She called herself Susie Reptile. After desperate writing and seeking inspiration, she locked herself in a room for a year and wrote a bunch of songs.

Release date: Июнь 1993

Album: Steep

Автор Слов: Lauren Christy
Performer: Leta Warner [Video Director], John Duffin [Video Producer], Composer: Lauren Christy
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