Kyarypamyupamyu - CANDY CANDY

Outrageous Japanese singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has released a new video for the fresh single "CANDY CANDY". The song was created by Yasutaka Nakata hiТекст песни:

PT3M56S True 2012-04-12 120 90
Kyarypamyupamyu – Кыарыпамыупамыу Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
3 фаната
Views: 21
Outrageous Japanese singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has released a new video for the fresh single "CANDY CANDY".
The song was created by Yasutaka Nakata himself - a famous composer, DJ and music producer who once created the capsule group and produced the pop group Perfume.

Release date: Апрель 2012


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