ФрикБутик - Истерика

The guys from the FreakBoutik group are fundamentally different from other male duets. Singing odes about love, breeding snot and drooling is not their strong pТекст песни:

PT3M11S True 2011-11-17 120 90
Views: 4 326
The guys from the FreakBoutik group are fundamentally different from other male duets. Singing odes about love, breeding snot and drooling is not their strong point. The guys promise to shock the audience with extravagant images and interesting texts. The video for the song "Hysterics" does not at all look like the video of Russian performers. It is so bright, just a fountain of colors. There is no special plot, we just see how people watch the performance of "FreakButika" on TV, on the computer and on the street! As a result, everyone starts dancing and singing along, even grandmothers!

Release date: Сентябрь 2011

Автор Слов: Г.Иващенко
Автор музыки и слов: Г.Иващенко
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