A Perfect Circle - Thinking Of You

Текст песни: Lying all alone and restless Unable to lose this image Sleepless, unable to focus on Anything but your surrender Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying So delighted with a new understanding Something about a little evil that makes that Unmistakable noise I was hearing Unmistakable sound that I know so well Spent and sighing with a look in your eyes Spent and sweating with a look on your face like Sweet revelation Sweet surrender Surrender, surrender, surrender Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying So delighted with a new understanding Something about a little evil that makes that Unmistakable noise I was hearing Unmistakable sound that I know so well Spent and sighing with a look in your eyes Spent and sweating with a look on your face like Sweet revelation Sweet surrendering Sweet revelation Sweet Thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking [20х] Sweet revelation Sweet surrendering Sweet revelation

PT4M34S True 2011-10-19 120 90
A Perfect Circle – Перфецт Цирцле
3 фаната
Views: 1 144
Release date: Май 2007

Album: Thinking Of You

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Lying all alone and restless
Unable to lose this image
Sleepless, unable to focus on
Anything but your surrender

Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head
Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying
So delighted with a new understanding
Something about a little evil that makes that
Unmistakable noise I was hearing
Unmistakable sound that I know so well
Spent and sighing with a look in your eyes
Spent and sweating with a look on your face like

Sweet revelation
Sweet surrender
Surrender, surrender, surrender

Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head
Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying
So delighted with a new understanding
Something about a little evil that makes that
Unmistakable noise I was hearing
Unmistakable sound that I know so well
Spent and sighing with a look in your eyes
Spent and sweating with a look on your face like

Sweet revelation
Sweet surrendering
Sweet revelation

Thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking [20х]

Sweet revelation
Sweet surrendering
Sweet revelation

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