Music videos Russian rap Аветис 9 Грамм В небесах при участии Mic Dogg, Dj Wide

Аветис 9 Грамм - В небесах при участии Mic Dogg, Dj Wide

Video Avetis 9 Gram for the track "In the sky", filmed with the participation of Mic Dogg, Dj Wide. This is a black and white video in which the only Текст песни:

PT3M34S True 2011-11-02 120 90
Аветис 9 Грамм – <p>Was born in 1986 in the &quot;Wonderful Valley&quot;. He began to feel the first signs of love for rap in 1994, when he was very young. At the age of 12, having performed for the first time on the big stage, I realized that &quot;rap with me in life&quot; Since 2001, a member and founder of the most scandalous team in the Urals MAD BUSTAZZ. In 2005 he founded the first official Rap label in the Urals called &quot;Bustazz Records&quot;. In a short time, the recording studio becomes popular in the regions of the Urals and Siberia! Avetis is the producer of many Ural rap groups. Participates in various events dedicated to Hip-hop. He is invited both as a participant and as a judge at this event. In 2007, after the death of one of the participants in the MAD BUSTAZZ project, he went solo.</p> – Avetis Gramm
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Views: 6 040
Video Avetis 9 Gram for the track "In the sky", filmed with the participation of Mic Dogg, Dj Wide. This is a black and white video in which the only color element is the rapper's bandana. The guys sing on a small stage, sometimes they show us the musicians. In general, we look exclusively at the performers.

Release date: Февраль 2010

Автор Слов: Мирзаянц А. Г., Пудовкин М. А.
Автор слов и музыки: Мирзаянц А. Г., Пудовкин М. А.
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