Music videos Other Motel Vilayna Lasalle feat. Motel

Motel - Vilayna Lasalle feat. Motel

Vilayna Lasalle took part in the filming of the video for the song "Uno dos tres" by the group "Motel". As before, the video represents the Текст песни:

PT1M2S True 2011-09-29 120 90
Views: 65
Vilayna Lasalle took part in the filming of the video for the song "Uno dos tres" by the group "Motel". As before, the video represents the famous model's photo session. And what else do you need if there is a beautiful naked girl in front of you, the sea, and music is playing?

Release date: Июнь 2007

Album: Vilayna Lasalle Feat. Motel [Uno dos tres]

Автор Слов: Rodrigo Davila
Producer: Andre Fabris Lopez, JORGE VILLAMIZAR, Jose Javier Freire, Arranger: Aureo Baqueiro, Motel, String arranger: Aureo Baqueiro, Rodrigo Davila, Ruy Folguera, Composer: Rodrigo Davila
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