Slipknot - Be Prepared for Hell

Текст песни: I can't get out or I'll die Just let me be I'll never be never [2x:] Be prepared for Hell and I say, oh well Just tell me when I can open my eyes And realize I've died [maniacal laughter]

PT1M58S True 2021-05-14 120 90
Slipknot – <p>Slipknot is an American nu metal and alternative metal band. The group was formed in 1995, although the first signs of its existence date back to 1992, when the minimum lineup was formed. The group is known for its stage image: masks and jumpsuits.</p> – Слипкнот слип кнот
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I can't get out or I'll die
Just let me be
I'll never be never

Be prepared for Hell and I say, oh well
Just tell me when I can open my eyes
And realize I've died

[maniacal laughter]

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