Sex Pistols - My Way

Cover version of a Frank Sinatra song performed by one of the most scandalous and hooligan punks in Britain - the Sex Pistols. The musicians of the collective cТекст песни:

PT4M31S True 2012-05-05 120 90
Sex Pistols – <p>The Sex Pistols is an iconic British punk rock band that has inspired many bands. It was actually formed from the young musicians &quot;The Strand&quot;, which have existed since 1972. The band was composed of vocalist Steve Jones, drummer Paul Cook and guitarist Wally Nightingale. In 1974, Malcolm McLaren, the owner of a rocker and biker clothing store, became their &quot;producer&quot;.</p><p> A year later, nineteen-year-old John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) became the vocalist, who did not hit the notes at all, but had a remarkable appearance. The group came up with the name &quot;Sex Pistols&quot; in 1975, and then they had their first performance. However, quite unfortunate.</p><p> However, the band was gaining experience in performing and could already gather about 600 people, and also began writing songs: in the summer of 1976, the Sex Pistols&#39; performance was broadcast for the first time on television with their song Anarchy in the UK.</p><p> Then the group signed a contract with EMI, and they released the single &quot;Anarchy in the UK&quot;, which immediately became popular (ranked 38th on the UK Singles Chart), but could not be released on radio and TV.</p> – Секс Пистолс
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Cover version of a Frank Sinatra song performed by one of the most scandalous and hooligan punks in Britain - the Sex Pistols. The musicians of the collective changed the original composition almost beyond recognition - in the cover of the song the tempo noticeably accelerated, the arrangement changed, and electric guitar parts were added. According to the plot of the video, Sid performs "My Way" in front of a full audience. At the end of the performance, the artist unexpectedly takes a pistol out of his pocket, kills several spectators, and slowly leaves the stage.

Release date: Июнь 1979

Album: My Way

Автор Слов: Claude François, Jacques Revaux, Paul Anka, Gilles Thibaut
Performer: Julien Temple [Video Producer], Julien Temple [Video Director], Composer: Claude François, Jacques Revaux, Paul Anka, Gilles Thibaut, Author: Claude François, Jacques Revaux, Paul Anka, Gilles Thibaut
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