Тихонова Мария, Самойлов Антон - If nobody knows

Popular video of Tikhonova Maria, Samoilov Anton - "If nobody knows" from the category of children's songs. The video begins with a date, where thТекст песни:

PT3M40S True 2014-06-11 120 90
Popular video of Tikhonova Maria, Samoilov Anton - "If nobody knows" from the category of children's songs. The video begins with a date, where the young performer is walking, but her boyfriend is far from Anton. This is a completely different person. And Anton at this time stands around the corner of her house and watches as his girlfriend comes home with another. In his memory, scenes of their happy romance immediately pop up, every moment of their love and pain from the last quarrel, during which they parted. Now he can only look with regret at the one he lost.

Release date: Май 2014

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