Брайан Адамс (Bryan Guy Adams) Like
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Bryan Adams

Musician, Singer, Producer
Real name: Брайан Адамс (Bryan Guy Adams)
Country: Canada
Carier start: 1978
Genre: Pop music  Rock music  Pop-rock 

Brian Adams was born in Canada to a family of immigrants from England. In 1974, Brian left school to sing in the rock band Sweeney Todd and release an album with them. According to Brian, at that time he was so carried away by music that he was no longer interested in anything.

Around the same period, Adams met drummer Jim Vallance - together the young musicians began to write songs and became so successful that famous performers began to order material for them - Kiss, Rod Stewart, Bonnie Raitt and others ... Brian, however, decided to develop a solo career - in 1978 he sent a demo tape to A&M Records and soon signed a contract with them for a symbolic amount of one dollar. His first album and second albums enjoyed modest success, with 1983's "Cuts Like A Knife" becoming a real hit, mainly thanks to the singles of the album of the same name and "Straight From The Heart". Even more successful was the next album, "Reckless" (1984). The song "It's Only Love", co-performed with Tina Turner, from this album was nominated for a Grammy.

In September 1991, the album "Waking Up The Neighbors" was released - however, this is just the case when the album is less known than the "main" song from it. The composition "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You" from this album hit the first places of the charts in the USA, England, France, Germany, sold as a single in more than 4 million copies in the USA. The success of the romantic rock ballad was bolstered by the fact that it was featured on the soundtrack of the film Robin Hood opposite Kevin Costner. Subsequently, Brian Adams received a Grammy for this song in the nomination "Best Song for a Motion Picture".

At the turn of the 90s - 2000s, Brian had to start updating his image - he recorded the electronic track "Cloud Number Nine".

In 2008, he released the acoustic album "11", written from the perspective of a "mature" but young at heart rocker.

Brian is one of the leading musicians and social activists. For many years he has worked for his own The Bryan Adams Foundation, which supports children's education around the world, and has also participated in numerous charity and history concerts (for example, the concert in memory of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990).

Brian Adams is a great photographer, which is easy to see on his official website. Using his status as a world-class rock star, he found himself on a short leg with his peers and made portraits of Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Robert Plant, Amy Winehouse Winehouse, Morrissey and many others. His photographic look is distinguished by aristocracy and paradox, the search for new solutions.

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