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Настоящее имя: Натали
Тип: Singer
Жанр: Pop music  Russian pop  Rap  Russian rap 

Natalie (real name - Natalya Anatolyevna Minyaeva, after marriage - Rudina; born March 31, 1974, Dzerzhinsk) is a Russian pop singer.
She was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. She graduated from a music school, piano. Mother Lyudmila Minyaeva.

In 1990, she was noticed by Moscow cinematographers filming a film in Dzerzhinsk dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city, and was approved for the main role in it.

After graduating from high school No. 37, she entered the pedagogical school and, after graduating from it, began to teach in the lower grades. In 1991 she became a soloist of the Chocolate Bar group, recorded a number of songs, including her own composition. In 1992 she became a member of the more famous group "Pop Galaxy".

In 1993 she came to Moscow and a year later under the pseudonym "Natalie" released her first album "The Little Mermaid", in which she performed as a performer and author of almost all the songs.

Following the 1995 single "Pink Dawn", with only three new songs, the next year there was a second album "Snow Rose", which sold more circulation than "The Little Mermaid". In 1996, Natalie's first video for the song "Snow Rose" was released.

Popularity came to Natalie in 1998 with the song "The wind blew from the sea" and the album of the same name. This song, according to the results of 1998, entered the top five most popular at that time and became the singer's hallmark. The album was released in record numbers.

In 1999, a new album "Counting" was released. Video clips were shot for three songs from the album, including the title one.

In September 2000, Natalie released the album "First Love". In the same year, the singer had a new hit - the song "Turtle".

At the moment Natalie is actively touring Russia and the Near Abroad. In 2008 she took part in the "Team of Russia" at the show "Superstar-2008".

In 2011, in the Musical Ring program on NTV, she played for the Queen of the 90s team. Her song "The Wind Was Blowing from the Sea" brought the team deafening support from the audience.

At the end of 2012 he released the song “Oh, God, what a man!”, In February 2013, a video for this song was released. [1] Millions of views of this video have been recorded on Youtube.

Married to Alexander Rudin since August 24, 1991. Two sons: the eldest is Arseny, the youngest is Anatoly.

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ДаШиК МиЛаШиК)))
Я вАС ВсЕх Люююююююююююююююююююююююююююблюююююююююююююююююю))))))))))))))))0

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Плейлисты пользователя

Обожаю музыку.Она всегда и везде со мной.Если нет музыки,то я сама пою свои любимые песни)Music is my life,music is my boyfriend:D

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ggulyya merdanowa

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Плейлисты пользователя

(大火子)(Godney Fan)

В друзья Сообщение г. Калуга
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Ирина Псевкина

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