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Полина Гагарина

Настоящее имя: Полина Гагарина
Тип: Singer, Songstress
Жанр: Pop music  Dance  Russian pop 

Polina spent the first years of her life in Greece, where she also graduated from the first grade of a comprehensive school. Polina's mother is a professional dancer. In 1991, Polina's mother signed a contract with a Greek producer to work as a ballet dancer in the capital of Greece in the ballet Alsos. Polina lived in Athens for three years, she intensively studied the Greek language and grammar. In 1993, Polina's father died of a heart attack, the Gagarin family could not survive this tragic event far from their homeland, and Polina and her mother decided to return to Russia. But the stay in Russia did not become long. By September 1993, Polina returned with her mother to Athens and went to first grade at a local school. Returning to Russia for summer holidays, Polina was on the verge of choosing. Stay at home and continue your education in Russia or return to Athens. At the insistence of her grandmother, Polina remained to live in Saratov with her. First of all, the grandmother enrolled young Polina in a music school, at the qualifying round, Polina sang Whitney Houston's composition, which became a kind of Pauline's pass to the music class. After the end of the contract with the Greek producer, Polina's mother returned to the capital, where Polina moved. After graduating from music school, at the age of 14, Polina entered the State Music School of Pop and Jazz Art

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ДаШиК МиЛаШиК)))
Я вАС ВсЕх Люююююююююююююююююююююююююююблюююююююююююююююююю))))))))))))))))0

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