Elton John - The One (Единственное)

Популярный клип Элтона Джона - «The One» был выпущен в 1992 году. Реджинальд Кеннет Дуайт родился в Пиннере, Англия, в семье командира эскадрильи ВВС Стэнли ДуаТекст песни: I saw you dancing out the ocean Running fast along the sand A spirit born of earth and water Fire flying from your hands In the instant that you love someone In the second that the hammer hits Reality runs up your spine And the pieces finally fit And all I ever needed was the one Like freedom feels where wild horses run When stars collide like you and I No shadows block the sun You're all I've ever needed Baby you're the one There are caravans we follow Drunken nights in dark hotels When chances breathe between the silence Where sex and love no longer gel For each man in his time is Cain Until he walks along the beach And sees his future in the water A long lost heart within his reach

PT6M3S True 2011-10-27 120 90
Elton John – <p>Sir Elton Hercules John - (real name Reginald Kenneth Dwight) is a popular British rock singer, composer and pianist. He had a huge impact on the development of popular music.</p><p> Elton John has sold over 250 million records.</p><p> Elton John is one of the most commercially successful artists of the 1970s: his seven albums topped the Billboard 200, 23 singles were in the American Top 40, 16 were in the top ten and 6 climbed to number one. One of them, &quot;Candle in the Wind&quot;, sold 37 million copies.</p><p> The main features of Elton John&#39;s work are melodic talent, a rich tenor, a gospel-sounding piano, energetic orchestral arrangements, a vivid stage image and theatrical skill.</p><p> At the moment, Elton John is the author of 30 studio albums, 128 singles, the author of music for several films, cartoons and productions. A large number of collections of his best songs, albums with his works performed by other artists have been released. In addition, there are a number of videotapes and DVD discs on the market with recordings of his live performances and clips.</p> – Элтон Джон сэр Элтон Джон
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Популярный клип Элтона Джона - «The One» был выпущен в 1992 году. Реджинальд Кеннет Дуайт родился в Пиннере, Англия, в семье командира эскадрильи ВВС Стэнли Дуайта и его жены Шейлы. Юного Дуайта воспитывала в основном его мать, и он не часто виделся с отцом. Стэнли и Шейла развелись в 1962 году, когда Дуайту было 15. Его мать вышла замуж за Фреда Фэйрброзера, которого Элтон нежно называл «Дерф». Дуайт начал играть на пианино, когда ему было четыре года. Вундеркинд, он умел играть любую мелодию. В возрасте одиннадцати лет он выиграл стипендию в Королевской музыкальной академии, где затем проучился шесть лет.

Релиз: Июнь 1992

Альбом: The One

Автор Слов: Elton John, Bernie Taupin
Performer: Chris Thomas [Audio Producer], Composer: Elton John, Bernie Taupin
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I saw you dancing out the ocean
Running fast along the sand
A spirit born of earth and water
Fire flying from your hands

In the instant that you love someone
In the second that the hammer hits
Reality runs up your spine
And the pieces finally fit

And all I ever needed was the one
Like freedom feels where wild horses run
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You're all I've ever needed
Baby you're the one

There are caravans we follow
Drunken nights in dark hotels
When chances breathe between the silence
Where sex and love no longer gel

For each man in his time is Cain
Until he walks along the beach
And sees his future in the water
A long lost heart within his reach

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