Skrillex - Fire Away

Текст песни: [x2:] Take me with you when you go, Don't leave me out here on my own. Take me with you when you go, Fire away, fuck this place that we call home! Take me with you, take me with you, Take me with you when you... Take me with you, take me with you, Take me with you when you... [x3:] Take me with you when you go, Don't leave me out here on my own. Take me with you when you go, Fire away, fuck this place that we call home!

PT5M42S True 2021-05-14 120 90
Skrillex – <p>Sonny John Moore (born January 15, 1988), better known by his stage name Skrillex, is an American brostep musician and producer.</p><p> In 2012, Skrillex ranked second in the top 10 highest paid DJs in the world according to Forbes, and surpassed such stars as David Guetta, Swedish House Mafia, etc. with $ 15 million in revenue.</p> – Скриллеx скрилекс скриллекс
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Take me with you when you go,
Don't leave me out here on my own.
Take me with you when you go,
Fire away, fuck this place that we call home!

Take me with you, take me with you,
Take me with you when you...
Take me with you, take me with you,
Take me with you when you...

Take me with you when you go,
Don't leave me out here on my own.
Take me with you when you go,
Fire away, fuck this place that we call home!

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