Skrillex, Diplo, Justin Bieber - Where Are Ü Now

Текст песни:

True 2015-06-30 120 90
Skrillex – <p>Sonny John Moore (born January 15, 1988), better known by his stage name Skrillex, is an American brostep musician and producer.</p><p> In 2012, Skrillex ranked second in the top 10 highest paid DJs in the world according to Forbes, and surpassed such stars as David Guetta, Swedish House Mafia, etc. with $ 15 million in revenue.</p> – Скриллеx скрилекс скриллекс
307 фанатов
Diplo –
1 фанат
Justin Bieber – Justin Bieber is in a sense the Canadian Peter Nalich. His story is as atypical for the modern pop scene as the unexpected rise of our gypsy bard. It all started when, in 2007, at the age of 12, Justin suddenly discovered his singing talent (according to various versions - either in the bathroom, or in the kitchen, in short, at home). Without hesitation, for the sake of fun, he applied for a local competition for young talents and took second place there, although, unlike most of the participants, he never studied music and vocals. In order to &quot;show their performance&quot; to friends, Justin and his mother posted several videos (including a video from the aforementioned competition) on YouTube. There, these clips, without any additional advertising, quickly gained as much as 10 million views. Among those who watched the videos was a former employee of the So So Def record label Scott Braun, who contacted Justin&#39;s mother and immediately became the manager of the young talent. – джастин бибер
1784 фаната
Просмотров: 6 132

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