Skrillex - Kyoto

Текст песни: Yo, Skrill, drop it hard! Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill, Chain smokin' nicotine, sayin', "Fuck a fast deal?" We got that white girl, So we make those skrill checks, Fuck a white girl, talk ill, Neck karate chop her grill, bitch, I kill. Born from the center of a storm, All these boys flappin' gums About how they're hard — bitch, I'm harder. Martyr to the swag on the corner, Beat your girl with the drums As the bass makes that bitch cum. Bass makes that bitch cum...

PT3M21S True 2021-05-14 120 90
Skrillex – <p>Sonny John Moore (born January 15, 1988), better known by his stage name Skrillex, is an American brostep musician and producer.</p><p> In 2012, Skrillex ranked second in the top 10 highest paid DJs in the world according to Forbes, and surpassed such stars as David Guetta, Swedish House Mafia, etc. with $ 15 million in revenue.</p> – Скриллеx скрилекс скриллекс
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Yo, Skrill, drop it hard!

Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill,
Chain smokin' nicotine, sayin',
"Fuck a fast deal?"
We got that white girl,
So we make those skrill checks,
Fuck a white girl, talk ill,
Neck karate chop her grill, bitch, I kill.
Born from the center of a storm,
All these boys flappin' gums
About how they're hard — bitch, I'm harder.
Martyr to the swag on the corner,
Beat your girl with the drums
As the bass makes that bitch cum.

Bass makes that bitch cum...

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