Банд'Эрос - Дай пять

Новое видео группы Банд'Эрос на песню "Дай пять" снято в дорожном стиле и, по словам участников, получилось очень атмосферным, ярким и динамичным.Текст песни:

PT2M59S True 2014-09-04 120 90
Банд'Эрос – <p>Image &quot;Band&#39;Eros&quot; has always been perceived as our answer to Black Eyed Peas - the composition of the quintet formed in 2005 was very colorful, and the music gravitated towards R&amp;B. Like their transatlantic alter egos, &quot;banderos&quot; went beyond this genre, albeit in a different way. They distinguished themselves with intelligible pop melodies, humorous lyrics and generally a frivolous attitude to the glamor and rhinestones characteristic of R&amp;B. The band&#39;s music also features elements of soul, funk and hip-hop. At first, the producer of the project kept in the shadows - then it turned out that Alexander Dulov was entirely responsible for the image and repertoire. After a couple of not very successful radio singles, &quot;Band&#39;Eros&quot; shot the hits &quot;Columbia Pictures Can&#39;t Represent&quot; and &quot;Naomi I Would Campbell&quot;. In 2006, the group signed a contract with Universal Music Russia, which released the album Columbia Pictures Doesn&#39;t Present. Taking into account the reissue of 2008, the disc has sold more than 200 thousand copies.</p> – Band'Eros бандэрос бандерос
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Новое видео группы Банд'Эрос на песню "Дай пять" снято в дорожном стиле и, по словам участников, получилось очень атмосферным, ярким и динамичным.

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