5sta family - Метко

Текст песни:

PT3M24S True 2015-12-11 120 90
5sta family – <p>5ivesta family (5sta family) is a Russian pop-rap group. The group was formed in 2003 by the merger of two musical projects: NB and AzonE. At first, the group had 5 members. From this came the name of the group. Members of the group V-kes (Vikes), CoolB (Cool B) and Tony (Tony) met on the Internet and decided to form a musical group. Later they were joined by vocalist Olya (Loya) (in the group until 2011). The first single of 5ivesta Family was the composition &quot;Night City&quot;. In July 2009 5ivesta Family together with the group “23:45” released the single “I will be” on the air. The song becomes one of the most popular on radio, it lasted 10 weeks at the top of the Russian radio chart.</p> – fiesta family 5ivesta family 5sta femili family 5ivesta famale 5ivesta famali 5sta famely 5 family 5family 5esta familly
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