Stacy, Coolb - Время

Текст песни:

PT3M37S True 2015-02-09 120 90
Stacy – <p>Singer Stacy was born in Latvia. From 2008 to 2010 she was an artist of the world major &quot;Sony BMG&quot; - Finland. In 2010 she became a laureate of the international competition for young performers of popular music &quot;New Wave&quot;, in the same year she received an award as the best performer &quot;OEVMA&quot;.<br /> Sigle &quot;Awol&quot; hit the top of the UK charts in 2011. The Russian public is known for the hit &quot;Magistral&quot; recorded together with the Swedish singer Pandora.</p> –
2 фаната
Просмотров: 11 449
Релиз: Февраль 2015

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