Все клипы Russian rock БИ-2 Полковнику никто не пишет

БИ-2 - Полковнику никто не пишет

Текст песни:

True 2014-12-29 120 90
БИ-2 – <p>Group &quot;Bi-2&quot; today is one of the most successful and popular rock groups in the country. In 2007 Bi-2 received one of the most prestigious music awards - MTV Russia Music Awards in the Best Rock Project nomination, and in 2010 Bi-2 won the Muz-TV national award in the Best rock band&quot;.</p><p> The group &quot;Bi-2&quot; is famous for duets with other Russian performers: &quot;Spleen&quot;, &quot;Chicherina&quot;, &quot;Brainstorm&quot;, &quot;Night Snipers&quot;, &quot;Chaif&quot; and others. A significant part of the works recorded by &quot;Bi-2&quot; with the participation of other artists , falls on the project &quot;Odd Warrior&quot;, within which three records have already been released.</p> – би 2 би2
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