МакSим - Осколки

Текст песни:

PT4M3S True 2011-11-17 120 90
МакSим – <p>Even some academic critics who don&#39;t like pop music enjoy MakSim&#39;s songs. The tenderness and sincerity of the pop songs of the &quot;snowflake girl&quot; turned out to be in great demand on our stage - despite the crisis in the recording industry, the singer&#39;s discs were sold in millions of copies. In addition, Marina showed an excellent example of how high a person can fly with the help of their own talent. While the young talents were pounding the doorsteps of the &quot;Star Factories&quot; in the hope of quick glory, a girl from Kazan wrote cute songs and waited to be heard. I waited.</p> – МакСим maksim vfrcbv максим
1203 фаната
Просмотров: 166

Автор Слов: В.Чиняев, Автор слов А.Сахаров
Автор музыки: В.Чиняев ; Автор слов: А.Сахаров
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