Кейн Фанаты
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Всего фанатов: 10
Клипов: 1


Настоящее имя: Кейн
Тип: Singer
Жанр: Rap  Rock music 

The official date of the founding of the team can be considered May 2010, but in fact it all started much earlier. Back in 2005, future musicians Dmitry Sergeev (guitar) and Danil Kukharev (vocal, acoustic guitar) met at a university party. The fruit of joint creativity was the very lyrical composition "Angel", which immediately won the hearts of all the acquaintances and friends of the new duet.
As often happens, at first the guys did not make any grandiose plans - they just created songs that they liked. But soon the moment came when the musicians realized that they needed to share their creativity with people, find their listener in order to convey emotions, feelings and attitude. But for this you need to create a full-fledged team of musicians.
Danil Kukharev, in parallel with the creation of a new group, at that time took part in several other projects, where he acted as a frontman. At one of the photo sessions, he accidentally met the photographer Andrey Kochetkov, who, it turns out, plays the drums perfectly. So a drummer appeared in the group.
A few weeks later, a bass player was also found. And again it happened thanks to pure chance: at a private party, Andrei Kochetkov met bassist Andrei Rokhmanenkov. Without hesitation, Andrey accepted the invitation to become a member of the new team and came to the rehearsal. On the same day, the collective finally approved its composition and genre in which it was decided to play - pop-rock.
At the moment, work is underway on the creation of the guys' first album.
The presentation is scheduled for autumn 2013.
Despite the relatively short period of its existence, the group managed to do a lot - to accumulate a solid supply of material, present the video for the song "Angel" to the metropolitan public and perform a solo concert, having gathered a full hall of fans.

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